Welcome to St Mary’s section on attaining an ‘Eco Church’ qualification in junction with A Rocha. More information can be found via A Rocha UK – Caring for God's Earth.
Each week we will be sharing ideas of how we can all play our part to make St Mary’s and the Vicarage more Eco aware as well as updating you on how we are doing!
If you have any ideas as to how we can become more environmentally friendly or would like to join our Eco Team, please do let us know! Email info@stmaryshitcham.org.uk or speak with Carol in Church.
How much rubbish do you and your family generate ?
Do you manage to fill your collection bin each week?
Will you take the challenge to reduce rubbish going into landfill?
Did you know that with a little time and effort, you can now recycle nearly everything that you would normally put into your rubbish bin? Apart from the normal items going into your compost and recycling via the council, you can find a new home for nearly everything! Did you know that you can now take soft plastics to your local Supermarket recycling point?
Basic items that can be recycled in this way are:
All plastic bags, except biodegradable or compostable bags
Bread bags
Breakfast cereal liners
Bubble wrap
Delivery bags
Dry cleaning bags
Frozen food bags
Magazine and newspaper wrappers
Multi-pack wrapping
Plastic marked as low-density polyethylene (LDPE) - resin ID code 4
Toilet roll wrapping
Some will even take more wrappings like baby, pet and cleaning product pouches! You can check here to find out where your local recycle place is for this service by putting in your postcode. There are also many local recycling projects around the country and locally that you can send your items to, check out Terracycle: for more unusual items like used coffee pods and sweet wrappers!
If you are up for the challenge we would love to hear how you get on and share your stories :)
We have introduced bird feeders into St Mary’s Churchyard. We will be monitoring these to see who visits. The large fat ball hanger under the Yew tree on the left as you enter churchyard was completely empty with no evidence of food on the ground last week, however we are not sure if squirrels didn’t lend a hand - or rather paws & mouth with that! There is still room for more feeders, or the food to replenish them each week if you are interested in supporting this. It would also be great to have some volunteers to look after the feeders and make sure they are kept clean and topped up.
Another of our Eco Church initiatives is to have compost bins placed in the churchyard so that we can encourage those tending graves to put their used flowers and greenery into the compost. We have already had one compost bin donated – does anyone else have one they no longer use that they would like to donate to St Mary’s.
Do keep an eye on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/stmaryshitcham for updates and don’t forget to like & follow us.
Looking forward to hearing your great ideas
~ Carol Bader – Team Leader of the Eco Warriors!