How Can You Get Involved?
There are lots of way you can get involved at St Mary's Hitcham.
One of the fastest ways to find connection and purpose at St Mary's is through serving. Whether it's working with children or serving coffee, there is an opportunity to serve in all areas of ministry. So no matter your personality or your talents, you have a chance to make a difference here. We believe that God has given us all gifts that we can use for the good of others - all are ministers in our church.
Please see below where you can be involved in the St Mary's serving family and speak to or contact Chris Berry email; or Carol Bader email: who will be happy to help and guide as well as offer more information
1) Joining Small Groups
You can join a small group and meet online or in person. We have 4 small groups that meet each week:
Monday evening Men's Group
Tuesday evening Men's group
Wednesday evening Group
Thursday day group
2) Hospitality
Join the tea/coffee rota
Get involved in social events
Offer lifts to those struggling to get to church
3) Welcoming
Welcoming people when they enter the church building
Inviting people to stay for coffee and making them feel welcomed
4) Worship
Join the singing group
Join the reading rota
Prayer ministry
Leading intercessions/prayers
Chalice/ helping with Communion
5) Church Operations
Audio visual support/streaming services
Gardening team
Buildings maintenance
6) Eco Church
Maintaining bird feeders
Wild planting
Sustainable energy
7) Pastoral Care
Visiting people in their homes
Picking up medication and running errands
Food shopping
Offfering lifts
8) Community
Support Slough Foodbank
Support Care and Share in Burnham
9) Social
Help out at one of our events (eg Pancake Party, Harvest)
Support local events like the Christmas Fair in Burnham
If you would like to get involved why not get in touch.